WML Bigromu

This will help you build Learn WML,Learn WAP applications...Learn WML,Learn Wireless,Understand Markup Language Tutorial, Wireless Application Protocol Tutorial, Building WAP sites tutorial, Building Wireless Application Protocol Website tutorial, Web Site tutorial, Wap Site tutorial, Wap tutorial, WAP tutorial, Site Mobile tutorial, Mobile Site Tutorial, PDA SITE,

Friday, October 14, 2005

One more protocol "Wireless Application Protocol"

The Wireless Application Protocol
The WAP protocol is the leading standard for information services on wireless terminals like digital mobile phones.

The WAP standard is based on Internet standards (HTML, XML and TCP/IP). It consists of a WML language specification, a WMLScript specification, and a Wireless Telephony Application Interface (WTAI) specification.

WAP is published by the WAP Forum, founded in 1997 by Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet. Forum members now represent over 90% of the global handset market, as well as leading infrastructure providers, software developers and other organizations. You can read more about the WAP forum at our WAP Forum page.

Stop wondering What is WAP?

The wireless industry came up with the idea of WAP. The point of this standard was to show internet contents on wireless clients, like mobile phones.

WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol
WAP is an application communication protocol
WAP is used to access services and information
WAP is inherited from Internet standards
WAP is for handheld devices such as mobile phones
WAP is a protocol designed for micro browsers
WAP enables the creating of web applications for mobile devices.
WAP uses the mark-up language WML (not HTML)
WML is defined as an XML 1.0 application

What you should already know?

those reading this blog should have a basic understanding of the following:

WWW, HTML and the basics of building Web pages

If u r using Apache...

Heres the post for those using Apache as web server...

For Apache, add these lines to your httpd.conf file (if you have root access to the web server) or to your .htaccess file:

AddType text/vnd.wap.wml .wml
AddType text/x-hdml .hdml

Notice how we've added support for both WML and HDML. Although HDML is being superceded by WML, in North America most of the browsing cellphones do not yet support WML, so whenever possible try to support both.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

IIS Configuration for WAP

These are the content types and Extensions to be added

Table 1. MIME Content Extensions and Types
Extension Content Type
wml ---> text/vnd.wap.wml
wbmp -->image/vnd.wap.wbmp
wmls -->text/vnd.wap.wmlscript